
public interface Wrapper


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public abstract int getFakeDurability(ItemStack item)
Get the fake durability of the item.
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public abstract int getFakeMaxDurability(ItemStack item)
Get the fake max durability of the item.
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public abstract Wrap.WrapValues getOriginalData(ItemStack item)
Get the saved data of the item.
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public abstract @Nullable() UUID getOwningPlayer(ItemStack item)
Get the player UUID the wrap belongs to.
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public abstract @Nullable() String getPhysicalWrapper(ItemStack item)
Get the ID from a wrapper.
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public abstract @Nullable() Wrap getWrap(ItemStack item)
Get the wrap on an item.
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public abstract boolean isCustomAttributes(ItemStack item)
Check if the original item had custom attributes instead of the default ones.
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public abstract boolean isGloballyDisabled(ItemStack item)
Check if the item is globally disabled to not be able to be wrapped.
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public abstract boolean isOwningPlayer(ItemStack item, Player player)
If the provided player is owning the wrap on the item.
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public abstract boolean isPhysical(ItemStack item)
Check if the wrap was applied physically.
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public abstract boolean isPhysicalUnwrapper(ItemStack item)
Check if the item is an unwrapper.
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public abstract boolean isTrimsUsed(ItemStack item)
Check if the item is using trims.
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public abstract boolean isValid(ItemStack item, Wrap wrap)
Check if the items model id is valid for the wrap.
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public abstract ItemStack removeWrap(ItemStack itemStack, Player player)
Remove a wrap.
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public abstract void setFakeDurability(ItemStack item, int durability)
Set the fake durability of the item.
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public abstract void setFakeMaxDurability(ItemStack item, int durability)
Set the fake max durability of the item.
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public abstract ItemStack setOriginalData(ItemStack item, Wrap.WrapValues wrapValues)
Set the saved data of the item.
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public abstract ItemStack setOwningPlayer(ItemStack item, UUID uuid)
Set the owning player.
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public abstract ItemStack setPhysical(ItemStack item, boolean physical)
Set if the wrap was applied physically.
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public abstract ItemStack setPhysicalUnwrapper(ItemStack item)
Set the item to be a physical unwrapper.
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public abstract ItemStack setPhysicalWrapper(ItemStack item, Wrap wrap)
Set the item to be a physical wrapper.
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public abstract ItemStack setTrimsUsed(ItemStack item, boolean used)
Set the item to be using trims.
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public abstract ItemStack setWrap(Wrap wrap, ItemStack target, boolean physical, Player player)
Wrap an item.